We have been here this long already. As the Certificate, and accompanying pin (already on my uniform) attests, five years is the magic number. It will officially be this December that I will have completed the five years, but the Award Ceremony is in March. We actually were feet on the island in August. Five years already.
And yes, it's true that I am Firefighter of the Year. Great likeness isn't it? That's my non-existent brother Hank, whose likeness adorns several thousand of these plaques. Everyone must like him. After me, you will never see another FFOTY from Station 39, as we are being changed to Station 34. Well, actually that change occurred on the 19th, but our on-scene accountability system includes helmet patches which still haven't been replaced, nor the Engine designation placard. Those are signs of a tight budget me-thinks.
So will I go after the first FFOTY at 34? Do I defend my "title?" Maybe. What I'm really aiming at is a rank promotion, and that in light of the time table revolving around the new station building which will happen in a bout 2 years. In the meantime, our current Captain is retiring, so a former Battalion Chief will resume his place. However, the former Battalion Chief will be retiring in about a year and a half, from work and the fire service according to him. So I nudged my Lieutenant, and told here she had a year and a half to make the jump to first female Captain. Which of course leaves the vacancy of her position....
So what's involved in this honor? Well, it's a lot more than just showing up. It involves attitude, being teachable, able to communicate , input, responding to calls, making the right decisions at calls, knowing the equipment, and attending drills. And in my case apparently, always being willing to jump into a political conversation. We have a great mix of folk out here, and it's pretty rare actually. I think most of it might be prompted by my letters to the editor.
It was a lot of hard work, and my wife Jody pays the highest price. To her I owe the greatest thanks for being so gracious and accommodating. Captain Enslow and Lt. Parker are constant sources of encouragement, and tweakers of performance to get it even better. And rightfully so, to all the medics, fire fighters, and instructors along the way, this award is a reflection of all the work they have invested in me. Island County Fire District 3 is an exceptional organization that I am proud to belong to.
This is where Jody works. The red building is the farm store, and the white buildings are the garden store, where she functions as the assistant manager. The rest of the nursery extends to the right of the photo, and it is a stitched photo, so i could lay out the whole panorama on the desktop, but it won't work here.
Basically, it's an equal right angle, and about a third of the red barn is missing from the photo. It's as deep behind the garden store.
What makes this place so incredible is not only the organic emphasis, but the staff. Between them, they have oodles of degrees, and they stay current in their field. So the information about plants is up-to-date and thorough. And they are great people to boot.
Maureen owns the business. A wonderful woman whose spirit is way beyond her diminutive size. She's a good boss, and has become a good friend as well. Eric runs the yard. For a good time, yell out "Hey, yard boy!" He loves it. I met him before Jody worked there when I took a leaf to him, and asked what it was. Turns out it was a Mimosa, and it's a beautiful tree right in front of the Island Coffee House in Langley. The farmer that runs the farm store is Miranda. Always quick with a phrase, she knows her farm stuff. Duke is a part timer in the farm store on the weekends. Jody's direct boss is the living embodiment of Betsy Boop. Elly, Steve, the other Jody, Brian and a host of part timers and new seasonal folk fill out the cast at Bayview.
Part of the wonder of the place is the the corner it's located in. You can see a roof above the garden stores that runs perpendicular to the garden store. That's the roof of the Bayview Center, which is across the parking lot from the Bayview Corner, directly behind the farm store barn. The Center hosts many events from concerts to the Unitarian services on Sunday. The Corner hosts the Three Cat's Cafe, a cozy little place. The Fishmonger is also there, and it's a wonderful place for fresh sea food, and on a couple Saturday nights a month, a Seattle sushi chef comes over for Sushi Saturday Nights at the Fishmonger.
The Star Store of Langley has a satellite store at the Bayview Corner, and there is also the Hub, a bicycle shop. There is also an art supply store, a beauty shop, and the offices of the The Record, the south end newspaper. Upstairs is the front Room, that hosts dances and art exhibits among other events.
It's a busy place. Lot's of people, and of course that's the perfect environment for Jody, because she may not be political, or religious, but she is a people person above all. And believe it or not, that all makes sense, and in truth, the only sense.
This is where Jody works, and where a portion of this small part of the world we inhabit, are fortunate enough to meet her.