Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

It was a different Christmas this year. Miles was missing, as he is off in Thailand working on a WWOOF farm. He called yesterday, which made Jody's day I'm sure. It was a short conversation, as he covered a lot in an e-mail from the previous day, but a joy none-the-less to hear his voice.

We had gone down yesterday to see Taylor's new digs on the canal in Sandy Hook. For those of you wondering where that is, I suggest you look up a map of Whidbey Island and look at the south end. otherwise, it's the east side of Cultus Bay. He then returned with us, has been here since. 

Last night we had some excitement about 11:30 when the tree toppled over.  Not quite sure why that happened. the water spilled out of the base, which required some present opening and drying out. We picked it up, and began the de-decorating, and then the re-decorating of the tree, as we had just finished it when it went over. yes, for us it's a bit late in the year to decorate the tree. it used to be up and done on the weekend closest to the 7th, which is Jode's birthday. this year things are a bit , well, off it seems. Not quite in synch. Oh well. The tree is up, and secured so it won't happen again. 

I woke up the note that Jode was up until way-too-late and still wasn't done! So I sat down here, and then did my usual morning routine of cat feeding, coffee, and meditation. Then I cleaned what dishes needed cleaning and set to making Butter Tarts for the morn. I usually make Blueberry Muffins, but decided to try something different his year. The tarts were true to their word: butter. Some added brown sugar and the raisins I think were there to make me think I was eating something "fruity" when all that was used was a 1/2 cup for 11 tarts. I tell you though, brown sugar and butter melted together is way yummy on the tongue, and the tarts tasted delish. Then it was gift opening time!

I talked to my oldest sister in the morning before anyone was awake because her fam lives in Chicago, and the time difference, well, I knew that things would get going back in the midwest. Later in the day we heard from Jode's sister and family from Michigan, as well as the widower of Jode's sister. Some good connections, albeit all to brief as usual. At these times life's impermanence really jumps out as I hear of job changes, medical difficulties, and  other lifestyle changes that are occurring. Kids are getting older, living here and there, our values are changing is what I hear mostly. Maybe the passing of time is bringing those values into relief.  

The turkey is cooking,  and the evening will fade like the winter sunlight does around here, as we likely sit down to a hot beverage and some pages of a gifted book. Christmas 2010 will morph into Sunday December 26, and soon enough we will mark the end of another year in the inaccurate Julian calendar. I hope you all had a merry Christmas, and/or a happy holiday, and my prayer is that your next year is a year of discovering happiness.

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