Saturday, March 12, 2005

Another beautiful day! Well, the puter should be up and running next week. It really needs a major overhaul, and right now I am cobbling it together to get back on-line. Then I'll plan for major surgery. I'll need the "pute for serious writing soon.

The Wisteria and Magnolias are blooming, as well as the Daffodils and other plants. It is going to be wondrous here in another month. I'm not so buggered about our current political situation because this too shall pass. I don't want to be caught up in the afflicting emotions the current polarized environment generates. Life is too short for that. I will continue to work however, for a better world of true freedom and tolerance.

Anyway, I'm on the clock for a writing assignment. Finally I pass from being published to being an author. I'm actually getting paid to write. How cool is that!

More later! Live well!

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